Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Am Auntie Karen

It was a good day yesterday, a busy day. I started out at a 5:30 AM with a 3.4 mile run at bootcamp and then a hospital appointment for Daddy. He had to have his pre-op appointment along with blood work. Surgery is scheduled for June 9th. I then had to take Jackie to school and then prepare for the much awaited spa day with Halle and Kyra and I mean a spa day complete with manicures, pedicures, facials, makeup, made over hair-dos, grilled cheese sandwiches, popcorn, cookies and juice. It sounds like a lot of work...and it was, but the conversations and laughter that are indelibly imprinted in my spirit were worth every minute spent.

I can honestly say that my relationship with my little nieces is amongst the most important relationships in my life. Why? Because the most important gift you can give to the next generation is time and attention. I've learned a lot about how to spend that time throughout the years with all of my nieces and I have fond memories of the times spent with them.

Aunties have so much to offer their nieces, and because of that we are able to create those cherished and important threads that connect generation after generation of women. My relationship with my nieces is obviously very different than that between them and their moms - after all, I am not their parent, but the deep heartfelt love that I have for each of them cannot be defined in a blog post.

I know that each of my nieces has a mutual love and affection for me as well. I know that. I am Auntie Karen and I love being Auntie Karen. I pray that my nieces and I will be able to learn from each other as the years go on and whatever job the Lord has for me, be it mentor, confidante, teacher, listener and even girlfriend to the younger women, my nieces, I will gladly and most graciously accept.

Auntie Karen

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dance Like No One's Watching

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another.

Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are.

After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.

We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.

The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now.

If not now ... when?

Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D Souza ...

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time ... and remember that time waits for no one ...

So stop waiting until you finish school ... until you go back to school ... until you lose ten pounds ... until you gain ten pounds ... until you have kids ... until your kids leave the house ... until you start work ... until you retire ... until you get married ... until you get divorced ... until Friday night ... until Sunday morning ... until you get a new car or home ... until your car or home is paid off ... until spring, until summer ... until fall ... until winter ... until the first or fifteenth ... until your song comes on ... until you've had a drink ... until you've sobered up ... until you die ... until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy ...

Happiness is a journey ... not a destination!!

Thought for the day:

"Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
Dance like no one's watching,
Sing like no one's listening,
Live like there's no tomorrow,
And fear like a stone."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Soaring Like Eagles

Today I greeted the morning with gratitude for my good health so I honored my temple by running three miles all while reflecting on the prayer I would offer on my family's weekly prayer call. I ask that you would be in agreement with this prayer as I have posted it here to share with you:

Dear Heavenly Father here I am this bright new morning, trembling a bit as I approach this time of prayer and devotion, never really knowing what wonders await me. I am always in awe at the opportunities You provide Your people to speak with you. Lord, one more time I hear Your reminder that it is not about me. One more time I recognize Your call reminding me that this encounter today is for Your glory and for Your purposes, many of which I will not understand.

I choose to spend this time with You Lord simply grateful that I have been given enough understanding of my spiritual nature to recognize how needy I am for the Presence of my Lord and Savior. You are here with me at this very moment and because I am listening, You will use this prayer for Your purposes. The wonder of it all is that You are at the very center of it all.

To be allowed to serve at Your pleasure, for Your purposes in this time, is a profound joy. To have been spared to serve You today, fills my heart with wonder as I anticipate what lies ahead of all of us as we come together to journey in faith towards the destination of Your choice.

Lord we know that it's about You and it's about Your plans and Your purposes. We will be forever grateful for your plans and purposes and what it has brought to our lives.

I look upwards into the Face of my Lord and as I do, I am reminded of the eagle. I often find myself praying the scripture “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.' As I think on this truth my spirit begins to soar. I recognize the lack of fear that exists in an eagle as he faces storms of every type throughout most of his life, yet never falters. I recognize he just adjusts his flight to flow with the storm, knowing in the end he will be safely brought home.

I love watching birds fly, but especially an eagle that soars higher and faster -- never limited by the circumstances surrounding his flight. Like all of us, Jesus, we need the same ability to soar in the face of storms. We need to be sensitive to those around us, and we need to be able to adjust to the circumstances we are facing. Obstacles are always going to be with us, but I praise and thank you that over the years, I have come to understand the importance of embracing struggles, focusing on the purposes You have shown me, and laying down all of the other garbage that tries to confuse and derail me.

My prayer today is one of thanksgiving for the ability You give each one of us to overcome. You have given us all gifts and talents to sustain us. You teach us every day to trust You -- to recognize that life is a journey filled with gates to open and paths to be cleared.

Lord, we humbly thank you this morning for the report we were able to receive from the doctor this week realizing that we have a journey ahead of us but we we thank you Lord in advance for taking my father safely through this journey. You said in your Word to speak into existence those things that are not as though they were so I thank you this morning for healing my father’s body Lord. We know that in the natural this illness seems challenging to us but my faith tells me Lord that if I put my trust in you nothing is impossible for you. Nothing surprises you Lord because you wrote the script. Nothing is too difficult for you to handle. You have all power in your hands and we acknowledge that this morning. We also thank you this morning Lord for being the doctor in the sick room for my Aunt Marian. We thank you for healing her quick, fast and in a hurry Lord for we know that you are able. We pray her strength in the Lord. Continue to give her good spirits and bless those around her who are her caretakers. We love you Lord, we honor You, we lift up your name this morning because you are so worthy to be praised.

I thank You also that You are teaching me about patience -- which I acknowledge is not my strength. Somehow I know that perseverance, patience, and thanksgiving are the winning combination for my day today. I thank You that I can now embrace with joy and thanksgiving the discipline and focus it takes to get me to a place of peace and joy. Help all who pray this prayer to soar on eagle's wings today. Bring them safely to that place of rest You have prepared for them, where they can recognize as they end their day, that their lives count for you Lord and for His cry for His people. I ask all these prayers and petitions in the matchless name of your son Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Countdown to Friday!

I am so excited that this session of bootcamp will be over on Friday. I have learned so much about being patient with my body and my journey towards physical fitness. I use to think that I would be able to have the speed and agility of someone much younger than myself but what this camp has taught me this time is to take it one camp at a time and to celebrate my accomplishments on my own terms. This time I was able to sprint up hills without being the last one to reach the top, jog six miles without ever stopping to walk, get through an intense step or kick boxing class and feel good when it's over and so many other milestones. I am deeply grateful to my instructor who doesn't charge an arm and a leg for her camp but who has a passion for what she does.

On Saturday we graduate. We are having a potluck dinner at the studio. I am making my homemade pound cake which I have absolutely perfected. It is, I am serious, delicious. I am also making my famed Crandaddie cookies from my new company Gimme Some Shugah which are, I promise, irresistible. By the way, what do you think of the name Gimme Some Shugah for my cookie company? Please post your commments. Lastly, I am making my slammin' turkey meatballs! I'll post some pics. You'll enjoy tasting with your eyes!

In the meantime, I look forward to having breakfast with my sister and daughter on Friday morning.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eighteen Miles In Three Days

Whew! I am so glad its Friday or TGIF!! We ran 6 miles each day for the past three days (that's 18 miles for the mathematically impaired) and I am exhausted. Happy exhausted though! I made it through. One more week left until the end of this bootcamp. Everyone that knows me knows that I go to bootcamp and that I talk about it a lot. It's probably because it is the only thing that I have been involved in in the past two years that has given me a sense of accomplishment. I was trying to figure that out. Usually, I share what's happening in my life be it business, career, family gatherings, etc. So for the past year and eight months it has been bootcamp. In fact, I have decided to parlay my bootcamp experience into a business for myself, thanks to the invitation of my instructor, Casi. Bootcamp Gourmet...that's the name. For those of you who I have not spoken to about it yet, there is a market for bootcamp goers who are willing to pay for someone to provide their meals for them based on the bootcamp menu. I am embarking on this venture very shortly. I am doing the leg work now. I'll keep you all posted.

I have to take my Dad to the doctor now. Today he has his PET scan, Positron Emission Tomography. PET scans accurately image the cellular function of the human body. In a single PET scan your physician can examine your entire body. PET scanning provides a more complete picture, making it easier for your doctor to diagnose problems. Okay, so now we will know the whole story by Monday.

Pray for Aunt Marion; she has her surgery on Monday. The doctors are extremely hopeful that after her surgery she will have a complete recovery.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Consciously Thinking

So here I was with this new blog, feeling all dressed up with no where to go. How should I start and what should I say first? After all, this is my second take and I'm gonna make me over! Second chances. I can do anything. And then suddenly my life changed. My life is changing before my very own eyes because my dad has stomach cancer and my aunt was told the tumors in her breasts are back and she will be needing a double mastectomy. These are two of the elders in our family. My dad will be 78 and my aunt will be 81, both in June. We have gone year after year in our family without experiencing any major illnesses, accidents or loss of a loved one. We celebrate God's grace daily for our continued good health. When a loved one is given this type of report from a doctor it changes the possibilities and probabilities for their family members. With that said, I realized my first transformation must be a deliberate focus on preventive health measures. I must get a mammogram. I must get a colonoscopy. I must go to the dentist. I must get a complete physical. I must continue exercising. I must continue eating the right foods. I must continue using safer products in my home. Take Two - Make Me Over into consciously thinking about how to stay healthy.